Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I know it's been a while, but we have been busy. It's been very cold here, but the cows still need to be fed. So G'pa and I suit up and do it. My sister got alot of winter wear for xmas, gloves, winter hats that pull down over our faces, etc. There hard to find down here in Texas, but always available in Ohio. The cows don't seem to be bothered by the cold, it has made them frisky and they run about and kick their heels up. There fun to watch.

The other day we went down to check on the cows like we do everyday, and G'pa says...I dont remember that bull having a white belly. It wasnt ours. A very big bull had wandered into our pasture and taken up residence with our cows. It was twice as big as our bulls, and they didnt want to have anything to do with him. Skeerdy cats they were lol. The next day G'pa got him caught and loaded him up and took him back to his owners right down the street.

Today we were doing our daily check, there are 2 cows we have that I've been watching closely cause I think there about to calve. I'm checking them out and G'pa who's baby is that???? There on the ground was a new baby, a very small new baby. G'pa said, another heifer. He wants boy calves lol. The mamma came over to claim her baby, so we knew who the mamma was then. We never figured she'd be the next to have a baby. G'pa put a lil tag on her that matches her mammas, so we can keep track of her. I took a picture of the baby to add to my COW book. I have listed every cows information and took pictures of them and put them in plastic folders.

G'pa and I have been painting the house. We have alot of it done, but it got cold and we couldn't work on it anymore. I hoping it will be finished by the time ya'll get here (don't tell G'pa I said that lol). When its done I will post some pictures of it. :)

I changed jobs at the hospital. I am now working in the emergency room. It is better sometimes and worse sometimes. I hoping I get accostumed to the change quickly.

We love you all!!!!!!!


TaggTroop said...

Cool! I miss U guys and hope to come soon. when we do, w'll haveta go around in the golf cart and see what there is to see and go FAST lol! Can't wait!
But I have too!

TaggTroop said...

That was me!
I forgot to put my mane on there