Sunday, November 2, 2008

Not a fish story

I didn't sleep well last night so I kinda slept in this morning. Isn't turning your clock back great lol. Well it will be till it tonight when it gets dark at 4pm lol. I have been sleeping in the front room so I don't wake Gpa up all night long. I was awoken by the sound of the back door shutting. He was on his way down to check on the cows at the other ranch. So I got up, got dressed and decided I would try to go feed the animals here.

I drove out back and checked on all the cows. We have 2 that should deliver within the next 2 weeks, and with them you just never know. They all seemed content to lay in the sun and chew their cuds. I didn't see any else except 2 squirrels. I stopped and got 2 buckets of feed for the 6 calves we have up front.

So I'm just putting along looking about, when I look up ahead of me and I see a big ole branch laying across the road. So now I'm thinking was that there on my way down, and if it was why didn't I move it then? As I got closer I realized it was not a branch BUT a BIG OLE SNAKE.

I want to add also that my fearless dog, Lady ran from it. So much for her protecting me lol.

Now my son had snakes his whole life, I never really liked them but I knew they didn't bite and weren't poisonous. When they got out of their cages I could pick them up (very carefully I might add) and put them back. But this was a WILD snake, and big, big, big. So what do I do, I ran over it with the mule. I thought it was dead, WHEW. I watched it for a long time and it didn't move, so I put the mule in reverse and backed up to admire my snake killing skills. HOLY COW, it moved, it started to slither away. Now what to do??? I didn't want it to get away, I don't think I would have been able to sleep know that gigantic thing was roaming around in my backyard somewhere. So I put it in forward and ran back over it again. OK now I'm not taking any chances...I called GPA lol. Come kill this gigantic, mean, and I'm sure poisonous snake under my wheels. Gpa to the rescue. My hero!!!!!

OK it wasn't poisonous, but who knew, but it was very intimidating. I'm guessing from holding it up that it was around 5 feet long.

Behold my prince the snake slayer.

1 comment:

TaggTroop said...

Wow! That must have been weird!!!