Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Long overdue...

I haven't written in quite a long time. I don't like that, but it just happens. We've had a rather busy month, but then again we always do, or so I say. I've been working some extra because we had a nurse who had to take some time off. I love working, but I love doing things around our farm more.

Gram's doing well and getting out and about more. My niece, Carlena, came down and spent a few days with us. We love having her. She's low maintenance and I always feel like she fits right in down here. She's quite a talker (runs in our family I guess), and can carry on a conversation in a really wide variety of topics. Come back soon!!!!!!

Nana had a birthday, number 49, look out 50 here I come. I find that really hard to believe sometimes though. We went to Shreveport with Grandma & Gpa Herring. I did extremely well, and Gpa was thrilled with my winnings lol. It was a great time and the company was excellent. I got the most beautiful birthday card from my grandchildren. They sure can always make me smile. I also got a phone video text message from Ohio with my other singing Happy Birthday Nana Mystic. How adorable.

Sugah is now at a riding trainer, so that I can ride her. She'll be there about a month or so. We bought Rusty back. Do you remember Rusty??? We had sold him to Gpa Herring, but ended up buying him back. Welcome home Rusty.

We still have 3 of the 9 kittens left here at home. The rest of them have gone to good homes. I know that there happy. I was glad to be able to give them away in groups, so they still have a brother / sister around to play with.

Gpa and I have been looking out back for deer. Last week we saw 2 big bucks. Gpa said one of them might have been a 10 pointer. Now that its colder and the days are shorter, they will be out / about more. For the past 2 days Gpa and I have gone out back in the truck (it's only been about 40 degrees in the mornings) and sat and watched for deer. Yesterday we saw 9 doe. Today we saw a coyote, a hawk, and just 1 deer. I even like going down and watching cows though so anything other than them and I'm just thrilled to pieces.

1 comment:

TaggTroop said...

You only have three cats total? Or out of the last litter?

Love you